Q. What is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is the tactics used to push a business toward its target prospects. In digital marketing, a business tries to reach more audiences online.
Digital Marketing includes Website Development, Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Social Media Optimization(SMO), Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, E-mail Marketing, Meme Marketing, Moment Marketing, and Video Marketing.

Q. What does a digital marketing agency do?

A digital marketing agency manages, grows, and promotes your business online using various tactics. From website to business listings to social media to digital devices; a marketing agency market your business everywhere possible to drive more customers and business to your business.

Q. What does a digital advertising agency do?

A digital adverting agency promotes your business, its services, its products, and many more things online using Display Ads, google Ads, Social Media Ads, Pay-Per-Click Ads, etc.

Q. What is a complete-service digital marketing agency?

A complete-service digital marketing agency is an agency that serves businesses with different types of services to boost their business enhancing their online presence.

A complete-service digital marketing agency offers many services, like:

  1. Website Development
  2. Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
  3. Search Engine Marketing(SEM)
  4. Social Media Optimization(SMO)
  5. Social Media Marketing
  6. Influencer Marketing
  7. ontent Marking
  8. E-mail Marketing
  9. Meme Marketing
  10. Moment Marketing
  11. Video Marketing, etc.

Q. Why should I hire a digital marketing agency instead of building an in-house marketing team?

You should hire a marketing agency instead of building an in-house marketing team because:

  1. Agencies drive results faster by knowing in which way a marketing strategy will drive results faster for your business.
  2. Agencies can tailor marketing strategies for your business in less time if they've worked in the industry.
  3. Agencies use resources that can be too expensive for your business to invest in.
  4. To scale a marketing strategy, agencies are more affordable than expanding an in-house team.
  5. Building an in-house marketing team can be more money & time-consuming than hiring a marketing agency.

Q. Why does my business need to have a website?

Your business needs a website as:

  1. A website represents your business 24*7 online.
  2. A website adds credibility to your business presence.
  3. A website drives business for your business.
  4. A website makes people aware of your business.
  5. A website does 24*7 sales for your business.

Q. What are the benefits of PPC?

Benefits of PPC for your business growth:

  1. Priority - Every marketing platform ranks Paid Advertisements over organic ones.
  2. Narrow targeting - You pay only for the people who are interested in your service, business, or product.
  3. Instant Results - PPC Marketing drives instant results for your business.
  4. Performance Track - You can track the performance of PPC, and optimize them.
  5. Retargeting - By collecting leads from PPC Marketing, you can retarget them.

Q. What are the benefits of hiring a Social Media Marketing agency?

The benefits of a Social Media Marketing agency are as extraordinary as those of any other type of agency.

A Social Media Marketing agency is a team of experts. And they know how to achieve the given target.

An SMM agency helps your business :

  1. To be popular on social media with less effort.
  2. To build a better customer experience.
  3. To Build a positive brand value on social.
  4. To sell your products on social commerce.
  5. To increase your website traffic through social.
  6. To be always evolving brand with industry trends.

Q. Why digital marketing is important for business growth?

Digital marketing is important for your business growth because:

  1. You can reach anyone from anywhere.
  2. You can target precisely the people you want to.
  3. You can do it with any size of marketing budget.
  4. You can track the performance of digital marketing campaigns and optimize them accordingly.
  5. You can start, pause and restart your digital marketing campaigns anytime.
  6. You can generate high revenue even with a low budget.

Q. What is digital advertising?

Digital Advertising is promoting a business, its services, its products, and things associated with it using digital mediums like websites, social media channels, electronic devices, etc.

Q. What services does Brand Shine Info Solutions offer?

Brand Shine Info Solutions is a complete-service digital marketing agency based in Noida. And offers many business marketing and advertising services, like:

  1. Website Design
  2. App Design
  3. Website Development
  4. App Development
  5. Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
  6. Search Engine Marketing(SEM)
  7. Lead Generation
  8. Display Advertising
  9. Social Media Optimization(SMO)
  10. Social Media Marketing
  11. Social Media Advertising
  12. Content Marketing
  13. Branding
  14. Influencer Marketing
  15. Personal Branding
  16. E-mail Marketing
  17. Meme Marketing
  18. Moment Marketing
  19. Video Marketing
  20. Graphic Designing, etc.

Q. What is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is the tactics used to push a business toward its target prospects. In digital marketing, a business tries to reach more audiences online.
Digital Marketing includes Website Development, Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Social Media Optimization(SMO), Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, E-mail Marketing, Meme Marketing, Moment Marketing, and Video Marketing.

Q. Why does my business need digital marketing?

Your business needs digital marketing for:

  1. Reaching more prospects living anywhere in the world.
  2. Narrow-targeting in your target market section.
  3. Tracking the ROI, and marketing gaps in your marketing or advertising strategy.
  4. Being available everywhere when anyone searches for your business or service online.
  5. A/B testing, and optimizing your marketing, and advertising campaigns.

Q. What is the difference between digital marketing and digital advertising?

Digital Marketing is to attract target audiences when they search or are interested in your business niche. And Digital Advertising is to promote a business, service, product, etc to its target audiences.

Q. What is SEO and how it can help my business to grow?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the practice to optimize web pages and web content to match the query searched on search engines.

Organic search drives 53.3% of all website traffic according to BrightEdge. And that proves Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a quality website traffic driver.

  1. SEO makes your business more discoverable for searchers/potential customers.
  2. SEO drives organic leads with higher conversion rates.
  3. SEO develops searcher's trust in your business and website both.
  4. SEO builds a constant growth curve for your business.

About Brandshine

Brandshine a 9 y/o complete-service digital marketing agency based in Noida. We’re a creative team of marketing, advertising, designing, and web-developing nerds.

We bring your business online. Give it a website. Brand it. Market it. Advertise it. And add an exponential growth curve to it. We blend our creative expertise & winning strategies to drive quick- results to your business needs.

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